Thursday, August 20, 2020

Which Health Conditions Can You Cure with Bed Wedge Mattress Lifts?

 It is indeed a fascinating fact that with mere modifications in the way you live your normal life, you can bring so many changes to your overall well-being. You will be amazed to learn about the health conditions that you can cure using an add-on to your conventional mattress. Nowadays, living a healthy lifestyle has become extremely crucial to avoid unwanted bodily discomforts.

With the evolving technology and science, it has become clear that the key to a peaceful and positive life is to pick up several small habits that can save your life in a literal sense. Medication should always be the last resort. For instance, using bed wedge mattress lifts or just a wedge pillow can keep a bunch of disorders at bay.

In this article, you will learn how various health conditions are linked with as simple as your sleeping position. Ever thought about such a bizarre connection? Well, there are scientifically established direct links between the two, and these will help you have a vivid picture of how you can prevent such health disorders organically. Let us now discuss which health conditions you can cure with bed wedge mattress lifts.

1.     Acid Reflux:

The gateway of your stomach is lined by specialized muscles known as Lower Esophageal Sphincter or LES. This gateway remains closed after you have consumed your food that has passed along the food-pipe down to the stomach. However, in some cases, LES may fail to close properly, or it may also open up very frequently. In those situations, the acidic components of your stomach may travel back in an upward direction and accumulate at the esophageal region. This condition can be avoided by using bed wedge mattress lifts effortlessly.


2.     Barrett’s Syndrome:

It is one of the health conditions related to Acid Reflux. Due to continuous esophageal exposure of the acidic components from the stomach, the esophagus, in particular, can get damaged or modified cellular. Although this condition does not have any unique symptoms, it may lead to esophageal cancer in some cases. That is why using bed wedge mattress lifts is recommended for patients suffering from Barrett’s Syndrome.

3.     Nasal Congestion:

Nasal congestion may occur due to swelling of the nasal passages and tunnels with mucus and fluid that is secreted in excess. The causes of nasal congestion are many, but you can effectively prevent yourself from choking up at midnight by using bed wedge mattress lifts.

Expectantly, you have learned something new and useful from the above-stated facts and will implement the same in your life. Always remember that small and effective habits can frame a happier and better life.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Variants of Mattress Risers for Acid Reflux


With the increasing frequency of acid reflux sufferers all around the world, it has now become a necessity to change your lifestyle above all. It does not solely depend on what medications you are on, but how correctly you modify the lifestyle and small habits. It is true that in some cases of acid reflux, you need to depend on PPI or Proton Pump Inhibitors. However, after a certain point, they do express a ceiling effect and therefore remain no longer effective.

For such reasons, it is better to modify your lifestyle, starting with changing the way you sleep, more precisely the sleeping position. In this regard, you should consider replacing your existing conventional mattress with mattress risers. It is known that using mattress risers can help you with treating acid reflux effortlessly and radically.

The basic principle of using bed or mattress risers for acid reflux is to make sure that the food content and acidic components do not move upwards along your food pipe against gravity. It can be achieved by sleeping in an inclined manner with the help of mattress risers. If you are sleeping flat on your back, chances of acid reflux increase because there is no role of gravity in here, and hence the acidic components can move uphill. Let us now learn the variants of mattress risers for acid reflux.

1.     Sleep Wedge:


If you are one of those patients who do need an extensive elevation, then this is the correct option for you. In mild cases of acid refluxes, it is recommended to go for a slightly elevated mattress riser. Therefore, choose a sleep wedge in this case. It elevated the upper half of your body and is completely washable. It is mostly made up of foam.


2.     Bed Wedge Back Cushion:


This variant is suitable for patients suffering from chronic heartburn and acid refluxes. Unlike the previous one, it is made up of firm quality foam, which gives better support and has a higher elevation aiding in a more inclined sleeping position. It can be used as back support the same as a cushion as well.


3.     Full Bed Riser:


Acid Reflux Bed is a unique variant that is a new invention to the conventional mattress risers. This one is a specialized mattress which can be positioned in a tilted fashion. You can choose this option if you prefer your body to be in an inclined position uniformly.


Along with using mattress risers, it is essential to take care of your internal system too. Try to refrain from food items that can give you heartburns. With the combined action of prevention and treatment, you will be cured soon.

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Positives and Negatives of Mattress Wedge

What are the pros and cons and know about the difference between the bed wedge, a mattress bed wedge, and under mattress wedge to solve the problem of Acid reflux? When you just left the doctor, they either told you that you are suffering from Acid Reflux, Barrett Esophagus, or GERD. Then, the head started spinning as it is recommended to not eat chocolates, drink soda, fats, or other food items that include acid. First off, it is vital to grab a better understanding of Acid reflux and it means that it is a backward flow of stomachs content into the esophagus that may lead to cause heartburn.

The upward forces that may result in acid reflux include overeating, lying down on a full stomach, Sleep Apnea, bending over, and pressure comes from the internal of the stomach.

Now, the solution to overcome this problem is Mattress Bed Wedge. Do you know what mattress wedge is? It is a type of wedge that is helpful to fill the gap between the mattress’s top and the headboard. These are placed beneath the mattresses to lift the bed around four to eight inches of height that is recommended by the doctors and experts.

Positive aspects of using mattress Bed Wedge

Let us have a look at the pros of having Mattress bed wedges that you ought to know before buying it. Get started below.

·         Tilting of the entire sleeping surface as you are not able to sleep on uncomfortable foam which is not designed for sleeping at night.

·         You will get a stable sleeping surface by inclining your mattress.

·         If you want to move the bed, then there is no need to disassemble the whole bed.

·         It comes with a warranty of around ten years. When you purchase it once, then you do not even need to think about replacing it.

Negative aspects of having Mattress Bed Wedges

Let us have a look at the cons of having Mattress bed wedges that you ought to know before buying it. Get started below.

·         Due to the size of the bed wedge, the cost may be higher and it can break your bank badly. But the best part is that there is no need to replace it again and again and thus, it is a wise decision to buy the best one in a go. So, a bed wedge is a good option for the long run.

·         The shipping will be more as it needs to deliver by transport that needs money as well. So, It has some extra costs that you should keep in mind.

What are bed wedges?

These are a short and narrow that works on the top of the bed.

Pros of using Bed wedges

·         A less costly and good option for the short term.

·         Medically recommended.

·         A bit easy for delivery

Cons of using bed wedges

·         Not much comfortable

·         Reduces the sleeping area

·         Restricts the sleeping poses.

So, choose the one wisely as per your needs and budget.

5 tips on How to Use a Reflux Wedge

 It is simply how the acid reflux and GERD wedge pillows work. The acid may more easily leak out of the stomach and into the esophagus when a person sleeps on their back and uses a standard pillow. To prevent this from happening, a wedge pillow slightly elevates the head, shoulders, and torso. People may use a wedge pillow when they sleep on their side or their back without creating pain in their head or neck. Most of the pillows on the market range from 30 to 45 degrees or from 6 to 8 inches to the rim. However, as time passes, they will lose form and firmness. After many years consumer would possibly have to replace their wedge pillow with another one.


Here are 5 tips on how to use a reflux wedge are:


  1. Upright recline: Place the short, wide end of users reflux wedge against the wall or headboard onto their mattress with the long, flat side. The 'would be able to sit up straight, slightly reclining, at the most ergonomic angle to watch TV or curl up with their favorite book or magazine. 
  2. Gentle the slope for back sleep: Giving the upper body only a little bit of height during sleep can be one of the simplest and most cost-effective ways to improve many common health problems. Many people who suffer from respiratory problems and sleep apnea find that pressure is taken off the airways and their symptoms begin to improve by sleeping at an incline anywhere between 30 and 45 degrees.
  3. Gentle the slope for side sleep: Side sleepers who sleep on an incline using a reflux wedge will also find relief for health issues such as sleep apnea and acid reflux. Plus, using a side sleep reflux wedge will give the neck and shoulders more support, allowing their body to collapse into the ideal neutral position.
  4. Pressure reliever: Placing the reflux wedge under the knees can ease pressure on their lower back and also improve circulation in the legs, helping with tired muscles and sore, swollen feet. Correcting circulatory problems prevent additional health complications, such as varicose veins and deep vein thrombosis.
  5. Placement Pro: The bedrooms may often become a bit of office space. Place the wedge on the lap and use it to the laptop as a small desk if they send an email or work from home in the evening. This position keeps the device at a comfortable angle and allows the wrists to relax on the wedge while they are working away.


The given information put a strong emphasis on the tips to use a reflux wedge. Further, if there are any concerns regarding the reflux wedges, feel free to contact us and we assure you to deliver the best services to clear your doubts/ concern.