Monday, November 23, 2020

Quick Home Remedies for Heartburn You Can Follow


Heartburn can be the reason for so many things, including everything from spicy foods to caffeine to hereditary qualities, so it's regularly hard to tell what will trigger acid reflux. Fortunately, there are numerous approaches to ease heartburn without going to over-the-counter or doctor prescribed medicine, and you may discover alleviation with things you as of now have around the house. Here are a couple of approaches to facilitate that consuming sensation naturally and rapidly:

Aloe juice –

Aloe juice is sold in the markets. Much the same as aloe vera is utilized to calm skin burns from the sun, aloe juice can help to reduce irritation brought about by acid reflux. If you are facing heartburn, it's a smart thought to start drinking ½ cup of aloe juice before suppers to keep your stomach and throat alleviated.

Eat a banana –

This present one's extremely simple. Did you realize that bananas contain natural antacids? Begin eating a banana consistently to help neutralize acid reflux.

Lifestyle changes –

In case you're overweight, creating little improvements to your eating routine, and expanding actual action could reduce your heartburn. Have a go at disposing of foods that trigger your heartburn, for example, greasy or spicy foods, caffeine, chocolate, or carbonated drinks, etc. Overlooking these from your eating routine may take out the issue altogether. Even you should know how do you raise the head of a  Bed Wedges For Acid Reflux also matters a lot.

Quit smoking –

In case you're a smoker, and you will need to stop it quickly, here's one. If you've seen your acid reflux has deteriorated and you're a smoker, the smoking is will disturb your throat and make everything hurt. Presently this is a decent and ideal opportunity to stop.

Heartburn is extremely normal, yet additionally moderately simple to treat if you screen what foods bother your throat and fight with heartburn with these home remedies and other lifestyle changes.

Regardless of whether you need to try a heartburn home remedy or meet a specialist for a remedy for heartburn medicine, you should do so rapidly before your body begins facing any of the difficulties of GERD.

How to Control Your Acid Reflux Symptoms


Original Source:


After eating hot pizza or oily onion rings, anybody can experience a few effects of periodic heartburn for acid reflux. That is awkward and a condition when your stomach feels acidic. So, if you get heartburn a few times each week or more, you might be experiencing a typical type of acid reflux called gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).


There are some basic ways you might have the option to facilitate your symptoms. Here are a few ways of life changes that may reduce your acid reflux problems.


Watch what you eat


This may appear unnatural, yet it's important. Specific nourishments are known to cause gastrointestinal issues in certain people, and in case you're one of them, you have to know the culprits. The most outstanding trigger foods are onions, tomatoes, chocolate, garlic, tea and coffee, oily food sources, mint, and liquor.


Change your rest position


When you are taking rest on your back, acid comes from your stomach to your throat. Take a look at your rest position and purchase a froth  Wedge Pillow Under Mattress that will keep your head higher than your feet. But before that, you should know what is the best for acid reflux? wedge pillow

Avoid the after-supper exercise


While a restful walk around the roof is a lovely method to end a supper and helps absorption, a heavy exercise can do the polar opposite. If your routine includes bowing and lifting, you may suffer from acid reflux problems.


Try not to eat and rest


You can overcome your acid reflux by just changing your sleep time. People who sleep early they may face acid reflux problems. Go for a walk or sit in front of the TV or read some time before going to bed.


If you've tried these supportive tips and still can't get any result from your acid reflux symptoms, then make an appointment with your physician ASAP.

Monday, September 7, 2020

What is a Mattress Wedge?

 Original Source:

Sleeping is ought to be comfortable. Hence, we need to be absolutely at guard whether we are having any sleeping problems at any given time. This is because sleeping is really crucial to our sustenance and well-being. And any problems in our sleep can have disastrous consequences.

This is why we need to ensure that our sleeping posture is appropriate and our sleeping paraphernalia is in the best of their condition. Our beds, pillows, and mattresses are of primary need and are ought to be taken care of!

Though we are accustomed to sleeping in our own beds and mattresses, medical science is very particular about how we sleep and what we should avoid while sleeping, which is why ergonomic mattresses are essential. Mattress wedges are thereby becoming extremely popular with us and are also helping us sleep well and stay well. Furthermore, mattress wedges also ensure that we don’t develop any problems while sleeping, promising us refreshing and relaxing sleep without any aches.

What is a Mattress Wedge?

A bed wedge or a mattress wedge can be defined as a pillow that is used for sleeping. They are usually made up of moderately firm foam. This allows us to use a sleeping platform rather than an ordinary luxurious mattress, which is soft and spongy. The wedge pillow appears triangular in shape, which comes with a tapered incline. This incline again helps the person using the pillow to stay in a semi-upright position during sleep, thus ensuring them a proper spinal posture along with an unrestricted blood flow even when they sleep.

Is sleeping on a wedge really good?

If you are wondering about whether you should sleep on a sleeping wedge, then you should also be aware of the fact that side sleepers who use a wedge pillow to sleep at an inclined posture will get relief from health issues like sleep apnea and acid reflux once and for all apart for its numberless other benefits. Additionally, using a wedge pillow for sleeping sideways will also lend greater support to your neck and shoulders, allowing your body to get into a perfect neutral position.

How to Relieve Acid Reflux with a Raised Bed

 Sleeping for us humans is an absolute priority. This is because proper sleep guarantees your proper physical and mental health and well-being. Apart from that, sleeping properly at a young age is crucial for one’s physical health in the future. Therefore, it is always essential that one completes at least 7 hours of sleep every day without many breaks. This will guarantee you wake up well relaxed and rejuvenated.

To ensure you sleep well, you need to take care of your sleeping accessories primarily. This includes your pillows, mattresses, and bed. Though many of us are accustomed to sleeping in our comfortable, soft, plush mattresses, medical science stresses on sleeping on firm mattresses that lend good support to our back and balance our body ergonomically. Thus, bed wedges come into being.

How are Bed Wedges Changing Lives?

Bed wedges are firm mattresses that you can use, which comes full length or shorter in size. However, there is no alternative to raising bed for acid reflux. Yes, if you are not much aware of the many benefits of these bed wedges where the structure is raised, then you should know that they are a boon for us in a nutshell.

Firstly, they help you get into a proper sleeping posture that relaxes your bones and muscles and relieves any pains if you have any.

They also help you sleep well ensuring you sleep for a considerable amount of time to help you get recharged.

Next, they help you ensure proper blood flow while sleeping.

Furthermore, they also help you prevent or get around serious diseases like sleep apnea and acid reflexes, which tends to be much more complicated if left uncared for.

Therefore, if you use a wedge a pillow or raise your bed while you are sleeping sideways or on your back, without tensing your head or neck. Gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD, is usually a name given to the digestive disorder affecting the lower the esophageal sphincter (LES), which is the ring of muscle lying between your esophagus and stomach.


Numerous people including pregnant women often suffer from heartburn or acid indigestion caused by GERD. However, they can easily get over these issues by raising beds for acid reflux. The beds in such circumstances are elevated between an angle of 30 to 45 degrees and 6-8 inches at the top. These pillows are sturdy and are strictly designed to ensure proper ergonomics. GERD, which is otherwise really considered as an uncomfortable feeling for many is relieved

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Which Health Conditions Can You Cure with Bed Wedge Mattress Lifts?

 It is indeed a fascinating fact that with mere modifications in the way you live your normal life, you can bring so many changes to your overall well-being. You will be amazed to learn about the health conditions that you can cure using an add-on to your conventional mattress. Nowadays, living a healthy lifestyle has become extremely crucial to avoid unwanted bodily discomforts.

With the evolving technology and science, it has become clear that the key to a peaceful and positive life is to pick up several small habits that can save your life in a literal sense. Medication should always be the last resort. For instance, using bed wedge mattress lifts or just a wedge pillow can keep a bunch of disorders at bay.

In this article, you will learn how various health conditions are linked with as simple as your sleeping position. Ever thought about such a bizarre connection? Well, there are scientifically established direct links between the two, and these will help you have a vivid picture of how you can prevent such health disorders organically. Let us now discuss which health conditions you can cure with bed wedge mattress lifts.

1.     Acid Reflux:

The gateway of your stomach is lined by specialized muscles known as Lower Esophageal Sphincter or LES. This gateway remains closed after you have consumed your food that has passed along the food-pipe down to the stomach. However, in some cases, LES may fail to close properly, or it may also open up very frequently. In those situations, the acidic components of your stomach may travel back in an upward direction and accumulate at the esophageal region. This condition can be avoided by using bed wedge mattress lifts effortlessly.


2.     Barrett’s Syndrome:

It is one of the health conditions related to Acid Reflux. Due to continuous esophageal exposure of the acidic components from the stomach, the esophagus, in particular, can get damaged or modified cellular. Although this condition does not have any unique symptoms, it may lead to esophageal cancer in some cases. That is why using bed wedge mattress lifts is recommended for patients suffering from Barrett’s Syndrome.

3.     Nasal Congestion:

Nasal congestion may occur due to swelling of the nasal passages and tunnels with mucus and fluid that is secreted in excess. The causes of nasal congestion are many, but you can effectively prevent yourself from choking up at midnight by using bed wedge mattress lifts.

Expectantly, you have learned something new and useful from the above-stated facts and will implement the same in your life. Always remember that small and effective habits can frame a happier and better life.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Variants of Mattress Risers for Acid Reflux


With the increasing frequency of acid reflux sufferers all around the world, it has now become a necessity to change your lifestyle above all. It does not solely depend on what medications you are on, but how correctly you modify the lifestyle and small habits. It is true that in some cases of acid reflux, you need to depend on PPI or Proton Pump Inhibitors. However, after a certain point, they do express a ceiling effect and therefore remain no longer effective.

For such reasons, it is better to modify your lifestyle, starting with changing the way you sleep, more precisely the sleeping position. In this regard, you should consider replacing your existing conventional mattress with mattress risers. It is known that using mattress risers can help you with treating acid reflux effortlessly and radically.

The basic principle of using bed or mattress risers for acid reflux is to make sure that the food content and acidic components do not move upwards along your food pipe against gravity. It can be achieved by sleeping in an inclined manner with the help of mattress risers. If you are sleeping flat on your back, chances of acid reflux increase because there is no role of gravity in here, and hence the acidic components can move uphill. Let us now learn the variants of mattress risers for acid reflux.

1.     Sleep Wedge:


If you are one of those patients who do need an extensive elevation, then this is the correct option for you. In mild cases of acid refluxes, it is recommended to go for a slightly elevated mattress riser. Therefore, choose a sleep wedge in this case. It elevated the upper half of your body and is completely washable. It is mostly made up of foam.


2.     Bed Wedge Back Cushion:


This variant is suitable for patients suffering from chronic heartburn and acid refluxes. Unlike the previous one, it is made up of firm quality foam, which gives better support and has a higher elevation aiding in a more inclined sleeping position. It can be used as back support the same as a cushion as well.


3.     Full Bed Riser:


Acid Reflux Bed is a unique variant that is a new invention to the conventional mattress risers. This one is a specialized mattress which can be positioned in a tilted fashion. You can choose this option if you prefer your body to be in an inclined position uniformly.


Along with using mattress risers, it is essential to take care of your internal system too. Try to refrain from food items that can give you heartburns. With the combined action of prevention and treatment, you will be cured soon.

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Positives and Negatives of Mattress Wedge

What are the pros and cons and know about the difference between the bed wedge, a mattress bed wedge, and under mattress wedge to solve the problem of Acid reflux? When you just left the doctor, they either told you that you are suffering from Acid Reflux, Barrett Esophagus, or GERD. Then, the head started spinning as it is recommended to not eat chocolates, drink soda, fats, or other food items that include acid. First off, it is vital to grab a better understanding of Acid reflux and it means that it is a backward flow of stomachs content into the esophagus that may lead to cause heartburn.

The upward forces that may result in acid reflux include overeating, lying down on a full stomach, Sleep Apnea, bending over, and pressure comes from the internal of the stomach.

Now, the solution to overcome this problem is Mattress Bed Wedge. Do you know what mattress wedge is? It is a type of wedge that is helpful to fill the gap between the mattress’s top and the headboard. These are placed beneath the mattresses to lift the bed around four to eight inches of height that is recommended by the doctors and experts.

Positive aspects of using mattress Bed Wedge

Let us have a look at the pros of having Mattress bed wedges that you ought to know before buying it. Get started below.

·         Tilting of the entire sleeping surface as you are not able to sleep on uncomfortable foam which is not designed for sleeping at night.

·         You will get a stable sleeping surface by inclining your mattress.

·         If you want to move the bed, then there is no need to disassemble the whole bed.

·         It comes with a warranty of around ten years. When you purchase it once, then you do not even need to think about replacing it.

Negative aspects of having Mattress Bed Wedges

Let us have a look at the cons of having Mattress bed wedges that you ought to know before buying it. Get started below.

·         Due to the size of the bed wedge, the cost may be higher and it can break your bank badly. But the best part is that there is no need to replace it again and again and thus, it is a wise decision to buy the best one in a go. So, a bed wedge is a good option for the long run.

·         The shipping will be more as it needs to deliver by transport that needs money as well. So, It has some extra costs that you should keep in mind.

What are bed wedges?

These are a short and narrow that works on the top of the bed.

Pros of using Bed wedges

·         A less costly and good option for the short term.

·         Medically recommended.

·         A bit easy for delivery

Cons of using bed wedges

·         Not much comfortable

·         Reduces the sleeping area

·         Restricts the sleeping poses.

So, choose the one wisely as per your needs and budget.

5 tips on How to Use a Reflux Wedge

 It is simply how the acid reflux and GERD wedge pillows work. The acid may more easily leak out of the stomach and into the esophagus when a person sleeps on their back and uses a standard pillow. To prevent this from happening, a wedge pillow slightly elevates the head, shoulders, and torso. People may use a wedge pillow when they sleep on their side or their back without creating pain in their head or neck. Most of the pillows on the market range from 30 to 45 degrees or from 6 to 8 inches to the rim. However, as time passes, they will lose form and firmness. After many years consumer would possibly have to replace their wedge pillow with another one.


Here are 5 tips on how to use a reflux wedge are:


  1. Upright recline: Place the short, wide end of users reflux wedge against the wall or headboard onto their mattress with the long, flat side. The 'would be able to sit up straight, slightly reclining, at the most ergonomic angle to watch TV or curl up with their favorite book or magazine. 
  2. Gentle the slope for back sleep: Giving the upper body only a little bit of height during sleep can be one of the simplest and most cost-effective ways to improve many common health problems. Many people who suffer from respiratory problems and sleep apnea find that pressure is taken off the airways and their symptoms begin to improve by sleeping at an incline anywhere between 30 and 45 degrees.
  3. Gentle the slope for side sleep: Side sleepers who sleep on an incline using a reflux wedge will also find relief for health issues such as sleep apnea and acid reflux. Plus, using a side sleep reflux wedge will give the neck and shoulders more support, allowing their body to collapse into the ideal neutral position.
  4. Pressure reliever: Placing the reflux wedge under the knees can ease pressure on their lower back and also improve circulation in the legs, helping with tired muscles and sore, swollen feet. Correcting circulatory problems prevent additional health complications, such as varicose veins and deep vein thrombosis.
  5. Placement Pro: The bedrooms may often become a bit of office space. Place the wedge on the lap and use it to the laptop as a small desk if they send an email or work from home in the evening. This position keeps the device at a comfortable angle and allows the wrists to relax on the wedge while they are working away.


The given information put a strong emphasis on the tips to use a reflux wedge. Further, if there are any concerns regarding the reflux wedges, feel free to contact us and we assure you to deliver the best services to clear your doubts/ concern.

Friday, June 12, 2020

What is acid reflux and how does bed wedge help to prevent it

All of us experience acid reflux at some point in our live. It is not totally uncommon after taking junk or spicy food, or even a large meal. This is a condition where we feel a burning sensation in our chest, as well as inflammation or irritation in stomach. But if we experience these symptoms twice or thrice a week,or chronically, the problem is much more acute than a simple case of acid reflux. It can be a serious problem of gastroesophageal reflux disease(GERD).This is a serious stomach disorder caused mainly due to obesity, pregnancy or in chronic disease like diabetes and asthma.
GERD is a condition that affects the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). It is a muscle located just in between the stomach and esophagus .These muscles are normally tough and taut, and it functions as a barrier. It opens up only when food is passing from the esophagus to the stomach and closes down once the food passes into the stomach.In the case of GERD this muscles are weak and irregular in relaxing. This condition of LES leads the acid to come in the esophagus while we are lying down.
If this disorder is not treated in time it could cause a serious problem like esophagities in our esophagus. Esophagities is a problem that makes it difficult and painful for us to swallow our food.


 Medicines like antacids, any drugs advised by a physician, or in some cases, surgery is a solution to this problem. Other than this a bed wedge is a modern and sound solution to these above-mentioned problems. It not only gives relieves from serious disorders like GERD but also helps in a good night sleep.

How it operates

 A wedge pillow helps us to elevate our head while sleeping which stops the flow of acid from our stomach to esophagus. If we are sleeping in a regular pillow or in a flat surface, acid get leaked easily to our esophagus.

Types of wedge pillow

Wedge pillows are made of foam with hypoallergenic, washable a removable cover. They normally come in two type- med slant and posthera .This kind of pillow can also be used sideways or in the back side while sleeping

Med slant

 This kind of pillow lifts our torso up to seven inches and can be used both for side and backside while sleeping. Med slant can also be used in crib for infants with acid reflux problem. It can also be used with a regular pillow.


This pillow is specially designed for us to deal with acid reflux. It can be used for mild, moderate to severe acid reflux, and comes in many sizes like small, medium and large.  These pillows help to elevate our torso from 30 to 40 degree in height.

Some people are not even aware that they are suffering from acid reflux. This situation can be changed by making a wedge pillow part of our daily life and awareness about our health conditions.

Thursday, June 11, 2020

What are mattress elevator and its benefits?

As our world is becoming more and more fast-paced, we have to cope constantly with the piling work and performance pressure. All these lead to back problems because of the hours of sitting in front of a computer and being deprived of sleep. To help this condition, a mattress elevator is one of the solutions. This is a piece of foam that is put under our mattress to give a little slant in our upper body. It slightly elevates or slants our upper body which protects our body from bad postures and helps us to sleep better.

Benefits of mattress elevator

Although there is another way of lifting our body mattress elevator has multiple health benefits which made this product popular over the last few decades. It not only helps us sleep better it also give us relief from back pain. Here are some of the benefits of mattress elevator for our sleep:

Back pain relief

We often suffer due to bad posture while sleeping flat in our bed, as a result we suffer from back pain, spondylitis, sprain in the neck, or even spinal cord injury. Mattress elevator prevents our body from these conditions while sleeping. It also promotes healthy alignment of the spine giving a soothing relief from any pain or stiffness in our body.

Reduces acid reflux

Acid reflux is a condition when we suffer from a burning sensation in our chest. This condition specifically occurs after finishing dinner or eating junk or any food that is acidic in nature. But sometimes if we experience this repeatedly this can be a serious issue of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Mattress elevator helps in preventing this condition. A slight lift of our upper body eliminates the risk of accidentally reaching of acid from our stomach to the esophagus which causes the burning sensation in our chest.

Prevents sleep Apnea           

Sleep apnea or snoring loudly throughout the night is a sleep disorder that some of us suffer. If we snore the whole time while we sleep, that means our nasal passage is blocked and we are having some difficulty in sleeping. Our brain registers this problem while we are sleeping, and wakes us momentarily to prevent our airway from getting blocked which is the result of our snoring. Elevating our mattresses ensure even breathing and no blockage of the air passage. It minimizes snoring and helps us in a sound sleep without any difficulty.

Types of mattress elevator

As there is a variety of mattresses elevator available in the market we can choose any alternatives based on our needs and setting of our bed. Few common mattresses elevators that you can choose are-

·         Plastic-under bed wedge
·         Elevation toppers
·         Wedge pillow
·         Under-bed support foam
·         Elevating incline insert

Mattress elevator is a good solution to problems like back pain, sleep apnea, and (GERD). It not only prevents such problems like snoring, acidity, and joint pains but also helps in a comfortable and peaceful sleeping habit. There are a number of top brands providing a large number of mattresses in the market to ease our life.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Things to consider before you buy a wedge mattress

Wedge mattresses are great for those who suffer from heartburn, acid reflux, back pains, or leg pains. These mattresses are designed specially to offer you comfort when you lie down on the lounge on your bed.

These mattresses can help you to get a great sleep at night and offers you comfort. You can get a wedge mattress from any reputed local mattress shop and online store. Before you go on purchasing a mattress wedge, read this article. Here are some points that you need to consider at first.

Consult your physician and physiotherapy professionals

Before you buy a reflux bed wedge, you need to consult your doctor and physiotherapy consultant. They can provide you with information about which type of bed wedges you need to buy and how to check it. They can also provide you with some recommendations so that you can start searching.

The size of the mattress

Wedge mattresses are available in different shapes and sizes. Some mattresses cover the whole bed while others cover just portions of the head, neck, and upper back. There are different curvatures, also. So, check the different sizes of wedge mattresses to understand if it is comfortable for you or not. You may ask your doctor about the size of the wedge mattress.

The slope and inclination of the wedge mattress

Wedge mattresses have a specific inclination and slope. If you don't want to have a raising bed for acid reflux, then buy a bed wedge that has a comfortable incline and is five to six inches high for better sleep. It is better to inspect different models and check which one is comfortable before buying.

Check the firmness

You need to get a bed wedge that has a complete balance between firmness and softness. It needs to support you while you sleep. Extra-firm or extra soft wedges are not a good choice.

How to place it

Most of the bed wedges can be placed above the mattress. You can even put it over your bed sheet. Before you buy a wedge for your bed, ask the salesperson about how to set it. They might provide relevant information. Separate wedge units are great because these can be carried to any place.

Go for a wedge that is lightweight and portable

Try to invest in a lightweight and portable bed wedge mattress because these can be carried easily. Heavier wedges are not great because they can collect a lot of dust. These heavier wedges are also not portable and easy to clean.

Consider how to take care of it

Bed wedges also need maintenance. Ask the professional how to clean the mattress and be to maintain it. Ask them if you can wash the wedge and if deep cleaning is possible.
You can go shopping and visit multiple stores. Make sure you try different models before choosing the right one.

What to do if you want to make your mattress last longer

You spent nearly six to eight hours sleeping on your mattress. So, for you, it speaks of comfort. A mattress also needs proper maintenance. It can last up to ten years if you take adequate care of it. Without proper care, your mattress may not last more than four to five years. It also remains clean and hygienic with maintenance.

Taking care of a mattress is not that much difficult. You can do it yourself. Here are the methods you can follow-

Invest in a good quality mattress cover

Mattress covers are not luxury. These are essentials. Mattresses get damaged from the dust mites, bed bugs, molds, and decay. Mattress covers to protect them from harm. These covers are also great if you sweat a lot or have small kids. Zip locked mattress covers are best because they offer better protection. If you use a wedge to elevate the mattress of your bed, then it is better to invest in these wedges as well.

Clean it regularly

Cleaning is essential. You need to clean your mattress regularly to make it last longer. Try to use a vacuum cleaner, clean the mattress. Firmly press the nozzle on the mattress to gather dust and dirt more efficiently. You can also use a coat beater to clean all the dust. Also, try to at least air dry the mattress outdoors.

Also, you need to change the bedsheets at least twice a week. It is useful for maintaining hygiene. Change the covers of a bed wedge mattress lifts and cleans these covers also. If your mattress is washable, then you can wash it in your machine or by hand.

You need to get a professional cleaning service also. Please get the mattress deep cleaned by experts after six months. A deep cleaning helps the mattress to remain in good condition.

Maintain kids activity

Kids often love to jump on the mattress. But their jumping can damage the mattress. So, keep your kids away from jumping on the bed.

Right of spillage and stains

Even if you maintain your mattress with care, spillages cannot be prevented. You need to fight the spillage and staining as soon as possible. Use absorbing tissues to clean and blot the area thoroughly. Alternatively, you can use damp cloths. After this, if stain remains use a mixture of detergent and water in a 1:1 ratio to clean the portion. At last, keep it in open sunlight to that it dries completely.

You need to use it carefully so that it remains a better condition. Flip the sides after one or two months and use it. It prevents dust build-up and molds. Also, try to read the warranty terms and conditions and the guide book that was provided with the mattress. These documents have some vital information about how to maintain the mattress.

Signs that are telling you to need to change your mattress

Your mattress is among the essential things for a good sleep. It gives you comfort and support while you sleep. It also prevents acid reflux and GERD. But with time, mattresses become older.
Older mattresses are not suitable for your health. These mattresses lose their softness and also become uncomfortable. So, you need to change your mattresses after a regular interval. But, how to know if the mattress is old enough? Well, some signs can indicate you need to go for mattress shopping soon.

The mattress was purchased more than eight years ago

Any mattress or bed wedge for Gerd must be replaced with a new one after it becomes more than eight years old. A mattress lasts from seven to ten years with proper maintenance. So, it is better to change the mattress after seven to eight-year. It is a long time, so you can note down the date of purchase to make sure you remember when it needs to be thrown away.

You do not feel fresh after asleep

Older mattresses are not ideal for sleeping. You might fall asleep, but your body remains in constant discomfort during the night. So, if you do not feel fresh and energetic after a sleep of Sox to seven hours then consider buying a new mattress wedge king.

You feel uncomfortable while you sleep

Older mattresses lose their softness. These become firm and hard surfaces. It becomes hard to sleep comfortably on them. So, if you feel uncomfortable while sleeping on your mattress, then it is time to replace it.

Pains in your body

Old mattresses cannot provide ergonomic support to your body while you are sleeping. Without proper support, your body remains in an uncomfortable position for a long time. This can cause pains in your back or legs or limbs. Many people experience neck pain, lower back pain, back pain or leg pain if they sleep on old mattresses. If you feel pains right after taking a nap, then it is time to say goodbye to your mattress.

The mattress produces excessive dust

As mattresses become old, they tend to gather dust and particles on them. Although most of the mattresses now come with dust mite resistant covers, the risk is always there. Spring mattresses are at higher risk of getting dust mites as they become old. You may feel your bed has more dust on it or you are suffering from dust-related allergies in the morning. This sign tells that your old mattress has become unhealthy and needs to be replaced as soon as possible.

The mattress has changed its structure

Box spring mattresses become stiff and might produce sounds when you turn on your bed. Memory foam mattresses become sagged as the core becomes softer with age. So, if your mattress has become too weak or extremely hard, then you need to replace it.

Check for the signs mentioned earlier to know when you need to replace the mattress. Before you go shipping for a new one, do thorough research and consult your doctor to know which mattress is ideal for you.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Most relaxing Best Wedge Pillow for Acid Reflux 

Are you irritated with acid reflux problems? If yes then there is an amazing solution for this problem that is the Best Wedge Pillow for Acid Reflux this pillow is a valuable solution for this problem. This will help you in relaxing from Acid Reflux and help you piece full sleep at

What Is Acid Reflux?

Acid Reflux is recognized by various names such as indigestion, acidity, as well as dyspepsia and many more but the thing is the same that is gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). And Acid Reflux pillow is specially manufactured for Acid Reflux.

The situation is described by a fiery sensation as well as discomfort discovered in the throat, stomach plus chest. Unusually it also gives a sour flavor in the mouth, besides vomiting, bloating, flatulence as well as belching. With all these indications it’s no surprise that acid reflux performs it tough to fall asleep.

Before purchasing a Best Mattress Wedge King for Acid Reflux, there are amazing things to look over in for to guarantees that you get the highest quality that you want.

The pillow’s size should be at least 23 inches to permits for a gradual rise without giving up the middle of your body

    1.     It should be made from premium quality materials to make you sure that it’s strong and can be kept for a long time
    2.     You must have a minimum volatile organic compound and no flame retardants, formaldehyde, or ozone depleters
   3.     You must have an angle inclination of at least 30 degrees as recommended by experts to saves acid reflux
    4.     The cover or outer surface should be easily removable so that it can be machine washed and dried
   5.     If you have or suffering from a back problem, opt-out one with a memory foam top to provide you the high softness that you want

Why Do You Need a Wedge Pillow?

If you’re suffering from problems such as acid reflux, you may search it tough to sleep during the night. There are options for treatment like medical prescriptions and surgery but they can mostly be very expensive which you may can't afford. A cheaper way is to buy a memory foam wedge pillow to save acid reflux. It is designed or functioned to treat you this type of condition by maintaining your upper body inclined while you are sleeping, maintaining the food from crawling into the esophagus by the power of gravity.

You can utilize a wedge pillow by lying on your back or your side without experiencing any side effects or any harmful effects. Wedge Pillows are ergonomic yet keeping a reasonable cost.

There is multiple, Best Wedge Pillow Under Mattress for Acid Reflux that is available for everyone, which will help you in many ways as well as it will provide relaxation from acidic problems while sleeping.

Following are some Best Wedge Pillow for Acid Reflux:

   1.     Medslant Acid Reflux Wedge Pillow
   2.     InteVision foam wedge bed pillow
   3.     drive medical folding bed wedge 
   4.     fitplus premium wedge pillow