Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Variants of Mattress Risers for Acid Reflux


With the increasing frequency of acid reflux sufferers all around the world, it has now become a necessity to change your lifestyle above all. It does not solely depend on what medications you are on, but how correctly you modify the lifestyle and small habits. It is true that in some cases of acid reflux, you need to depend on PPI or Proton Pump Inhibitors. However, after a certain point, they do express a ceiling effect and therefore remain no longer effective.

For such reasons, it is better to modify your lifestyle, starting with changing the way you sleep, more precisely the sleeping position. In this regard, you should consider replacing your existing conventional mattress with mattress risers. It is known that using mattress risers can help you with treating acid reflux effortlessly and radically.

The basic principle of using bed or mattress risers for acid reflux is to make sure that the food content and acidic components do not move upwards along your food pipe against gravity. It can be achieved by sleeping in an inclined manner with the help of mattress risers. If you are sleeping flat on your back, chances of acid reflux increase because there is no role of gravity in here, and hence the acidic components can move uphill. Let us now learn the variants of mattress risers for acid reflux.

1.     Sleep Wedge:


If you are one of those patients who do need an extensive elevation, then this is the correct option for you. In mild cases of acid refluxes, it is recommended to go for a slightly elevated mattress riser. Therefore, choose a sleep wedge in this case. It elevated the upper half of your body and is completely washable. It is mostly made up of foam.


2.     Bed Wedge Back Cushion:


This variant is suitable for patients suffering from chronic heartburn and acid refluxes. Unlike the previous one, it is made up of firm quality foam, which gives better support and has a higher elevation aiding in a more inclined sleeping position. It can be used as back support the same as a cushion as well.


3.     Full Bed Riser:


Acid Reflux Bed is a unique variant that is a new invention to the conventional mattress risers. This one is a specialized mattress which can be positioned in a tilted fashion. You can choose this option if you prefer your body to be in an inclined position uniformly.


Along with using mattress risers, it is essential to take care of your internal system too. Try to refrain from food items that can give you heartburns. With the combined action of prevention and treatment, you will be cured soon.

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